About us
MyGateKeeper as a non-profit entrepreneurship (gUG) with its headquarters in Hanover, is responsible for this website. The aim of MyGateKeeper is to help positively shape the process of digital transformation in school and extracurricular education.
The DICOSP website was initiated by MyGateKeeper in 2021 as part of the coordination of the research project “Digital Competence Framework for School Psychological Practice”, which won the Grant Award 2021 by the American Society for the Study of School Psychology (SSSP) and the International School Psychology Association (ISPA).
As an experienced school psychologist, Marianne Kant-Schaps is responsible for professional aspects of the website.
Project DICOSP – Your Competence Team

David Salim
David Salim is the founder and managing director of MyGatekeeper and has been running the World Children’s Day Hannover e.V. on a voluntary basis since 2015. This Is linked to a large fundraising event each year with thousands of students participating. His main job for MyGatekeeper consists, in addition to management tasks, primarily in the implementation of training courses, workshops and projects. Mr. Salim studied international information management and focused in particular on the fields of political science and psychology.
MyGatekeeper is a contractual partner of the Department 36 of the Lower Saxony State Institute for School Quality (NLQ), for Political Education, Europe and International affairs. In this function, Mr. Salim prepares teaching and learning materials, contributes to the implementation and organization of specialist conferences and events of the NLQ and the Ministry of Culture of the Lower Saxony State. He also conducts regular teacher training courses in cooperation with the competence centers at universities in Lower Saxony.
The 35-year-old has a teaching position at the University of Göttingen, where he regularly leads seminars for student teachers. He is convinced that education can only work in digitality if:
- The content is based on the real life of the learner.
- The teachers are obliged to complete mandatory advanced training.
- Lessons are planned in an interdisciplinary and project-oriented manner.
- The institutional equipment has been significantly improved.

PD Dr. rer. pol. Jan Zeidler
PD Dr. Jan Zeidler is a partner at MyGatekeeper. Since 2013 he has been Managing Director and Head of Research Health Economics at the Center for Health Economics Research Hannover (CHERH) – a research center for health economics at Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) and Hannover Medical School (MHH). He heads a large number of third-party funded research projects in the field of health economics and health services research. He has successfully acquired third-party funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal Ministry of Health, the European Union and other institutions for his projects.
PD Dr. Jan Zeidler holds a doctorate in political science, lectures in Major Health Economics at Leibniz Universität Hannover and successfully completed his habilitation at the Faculty of Economics in 2020. Born in Hanover, he is the author of numerous international specialist publications that deal, amongst others, with routine data analyzes, health services research and health economic evaluations. He is active as a reviewer for a large number of scientific journals, such as “The European Journal of Health Economics”, “Health Economics Review” or “Journal of Medical Economics”.
He is the recipient of several awards, including the conference prize of the German Society for Health Economics (DGGÖ) and the Leibniz Prize of the Association for the Promotion of Insurance Sciences at Leibniz Universität Hannover e.V.

Torben Mau
Torben Mau, partner of MyGatekeeper since spring 2020, works as project coordinator at the Leibniz University of Hanover and the University of Göttingen.
At the Leibniz Universität Hannover he is responsible for the development and implementation of a (pilot) course offer for teaching degree programs in Lower Saxony in the area of “basic skills in digitization”.
On behalf of the University of Göttingen, he is the project coordinator for #Digital Education in teacher training and conducts seminars for student teachers and practical projects in schools. Here he deals with digital educational topics such as “fake news”, digital tools for teaching, Open Educational Resources (OER) or the school educational mandate in the field of media literacy. He is also the initiator of the Göttingen network for teacher training in the digital world.
For three years, Torben Mau has been a member of the board of the ‘Education and Science Union‘ (GEW), Göttingen district association. Previously, he was a volunteer spokesman for the student teachers’ representative body (LSV) at the University of Göttingen, where he organized events on the future of teacher training, e-learning / media education and more.

Marianne Kant-Schaps
Marianne Kant-Schaps has more than 30 years of professional experience as a school psychologist, psychotherapist and teacher in Germany and Belgium. After her work as a school psychologist at the European School Brussels III and as Chair of the German and French-speaking school psychology in the Belgian Association of Psychologists BFP, she founded the Network of European School Psychologists, which today is the Standing Committee of Psychologists in the Education System within EFPA, the European Federation of Psychological Associations. She was the chair of this body for more than 8 years and gained experience in European lobbying and the coordination of European funded projects. She is the author of numerous international publications.
At the end of her professional career, she was director of a European pilot project in the German-speaking Community of Belgium, a cross-sectoral center for the healthy development of children and young people. She continues to campaign for the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in the education and health sector. Since 2020 she has been supporting MyGatekeeper in an advisory capacity on professional issues relating to the healthy psychological, physical and social development of children and adolescents and their framework conditions.
- „Examples of EU Policies in the area of youth health and children’s rights”, in: Podpora a ochrana zdravia detí a detských práv, Eva Gajdošová a kolektív, Bratislava, 2009, p 23-34, ISBN 978-80-89236-89-3

Mike Grauer
“We are all existentially dependent on expert knowledge, which we can never fully check (Svenja Flaßpöhler). The more important it is to be able to orientate oneself in this complexity and to work in networks. “
Mike has been a workshop leader at MyGatekeeper since 2021 and is about to finish his studies in German Language and Philosophy at the University of Göttingen as a Master of Education. He is focusing on digital education and media skills. He is writing his master’s thesis on digital education in philosophy classes, analyzing the relationship of digitization-related competencies and philosophy lessons in schools and how they could be meaningfully integrated into existing curricula.
He was able to gain further work experience in agile settings as a student assistant in the project “Basic Competencies Digitization” of the Lower Saxony State Network for teacher training. Here, his fields of work extended from literature research to the coordination and implementation of site visits to supporting the development of an interdisciplinary competence framework. In addition, he has been working in the restaurant business for over ten years.
In short:
With MyGatekeeper since: 2021
Lives in: Hameln
Content focus: digital education, media skills, media reflection, media ethics
Technical skills: Video conferencing (BigBlueButton, Adobe Connect, Zoom), Slack / Teams, digital collaboration & organization
Cultural competencies & soft skills: designing digital didactic settings, project coordination, logging, public relations

Christoph Steinebach
Christoph Steinebach studied psychology at the University of Trier (Dipl.-Psych.) and the University of Konstanz (Dr. rer. Soc.). First he worked as a psychologist at a social pediatric center and was head of a counseling center for children with developmental problems in Konstanz.
From 1995 he worked as a professor for rehabilitation education at the Catholic University of Freiburg, where he headed the Institute for Applied Research, Development and Further Education. He later headed the Catholic University of Freiburg as rector. Steinebach is a licensed psychological psychotherapist (D, CH). Since 2007 he is Prof. of Applied Developmental Psychology and currently Director of the School of Applied Psychology at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)/CH. Currently he is President of the European Federation of Psychology Associations (EFPA).